Real OCD (#OCDWeek 2018)

Happy OCD Awareness Week!

This year the International OCD Foundation is promoting a campaign called #RealOCD. The goal is to bust myths and spread information about what OCD really is.

Here is a short video I made for the campaign:

If you make any media (video, blog, social media post) for OCD Awareness Week use the hashtag #RealOCD and share it with the IOCDF.

Happy #OCDWeek!



Other blog posts for OCD Awareness Week:

Day #1: Real OCD

Day #2: Fictional Books about OCD

Day #3: Finding Balance with OCD

Day #4: To the roommate of someone with OCD

Day #5: Peace of Mind Interview

Day #6: (Missed a day. Sorry, not sorry perfectionism)

Day #7: The Worst Type of OCD


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